PC Gamer (Italian) 36
PC Gamer IT CD 36 1-2.iso
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371 lines
/* ==================================================================
FILE: CntTool.js
DESCR: Contents control library file for Netscape Help implementation.
NOTES: Requires Utility.js
================================================================== */
var ASSERT = true
var contentsObj
var aDatasets = new Array()
var aTmpContainers = new Array()
var aTmpItems = new Array()
DESCR: Contents class.
PARAMS: bgcolor Background color for the Contents tool.
function contents( bgcolor )
//top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents construct" )
//alert( "contents construct" )
this.bgcolor = bgcolor
this.bContainerToggle = false
this.bItemSelected = false
this.currentDataset = ""
this.setDataset = setDataset
this.updateTree = updateTree
this.updateEntries = updateEntries
this.writeDocument = writeDocument
this.scrollDocument = scrollDocument
this.containerClick = containerClick
this.itemClick = itemClick
// Set global reference to this component.
contentsObj = this
// Load data.
DESCR: Selects a dataset for the tool.
PARAMS: indexName The name that indexes the dataset in the
datasets array.
function setDataset( indexName )
//alert( "setDataset, " + indexName )
//top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents setDataset()" )
this.currentDataset = indexName
DESCR: Updates the Contents tree.
PARAMS: newURL The current topic. Passing a URL expands its container
as needed and selects the item representing the URL. If updating
to just to toggle a container, pass null.
function updateTree( newURL )
//top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents updateTree()" )
//alert( "updateTree" )
assert( ( this.currentDataset != "" ), DATASET )
// Write a background color to the hidden frame, and bind its events to
// the global handlers.
frames[ 0 ].document.open()
var html = "<BODY BGCOLOR = " + this.bgcolor + ">"
html += "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = 'JavaScript1.2'>"
html += "top.bindDocEvts( document )"
html += "</SCRIPT></BODY>"
frames[ 0 ].document.write( html )
frames[ 0 ].document.close()
// Bind hidden frame events to global event handlers.
top.bindDocEvts( frames[ 0 ].document )
// Determine if this is an update just to toggle a container.
this.bContainerToggle = ( ( typeof( newURL ) == "undefined" ) ? true : false )
// Update the entry objects.
if ( !this.bContainerToggle ) this.updateEntries( newURL )
// Write the tree.
// Bind event handlers.
top.bindDocEvts( ContentsFrame.document )
// Scroll the tree.
if ( this.bItemSelected ) this.scrollDocument()
DESCR: Updates the tree entry objects.
PARAMS: newURL The URL from updateTree().
function updateEntries( newURL )
//top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents updateEntries()" )
var aTmpContainers = aDatasets[ this.currentDataset ]
// Check each item...
var itemsSelected = 0 // Assert only.
this.bItemSelected = false
for ( var i = 0; i < aTmpContainers.length; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0; j < aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems.length; j++ ) {
with ( aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ] ) {
// ...and turn off any that are selected...
if ( bSelected ) bSelected = false
// ...and select the specified item...
if ( URLsSansPathsAreSame( URL, newURL ) ) {
assert( ( itemsSelected < 2 ), ITEMS_SELECTED )
bSelected = true
this.bItemSelected = true
// ...making sure the selected item's container is expanded.
aTmpContainers[ i ].bExpanded = true
DESCR: Scrolls the tree.
NOTES: If update is triggered outside of tool, we want to scroll as
needed to the selected item to show where user is in the tree.
Same for an item click, so the item is visible. For a container
click, we only want to scroll to the clicked container, since
the user is just looking for, or covering up, items.
function scrollDocument()
//top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents scrollDocument()" )
// Ignore scrolling if content does not exceed window.
if ( frames[ 1 ].document.height < frames[ 1 ].innerHeight ) return
// Calculate our best guess of pixel magnitude along the y axis of tree
// window for the item we want to make visible.
var aTmpContainers = aDatasets[ this.currentDataset ]
var y = 0
var containerHeight = 11
var itemHeight = 11
var topMargin = 4
var bottomMargin = 4
var wrapLeading = 4
var charPerLine = 14
// Tally pixels for entries.
for ( var i = 0; i < aTmpContainers.length; i++ ) {
// Tally for the container. Tally must account for how
// many lines the entry takes up, including the spacing between
// lines that wrap.
var lines = Math.ceil( aTmpContainers[ i ].text.length / charPerLine )
y += topMargin +
( containerHeight * lines ) +
( wrapLeading * ( lines - 1 ) ) +
// If just toggling a container, tally only to the newly
// toggled container.
if ( this.bContainerToggle && this.lastToggledContainerIndex == i ) {
// Tally items in opened containers.
if ( aTmpContainers[ i ].bExpanded ) {
for ( var j = 0; j < aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems.length; j++ ) {
// Tally for the item.
var tmpItemLength = aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ].text.length
lines = Math.ceil( tmpItemLength / charPerLine )
y += topMargin +
( itemHeight * lines ) +
( wrapLeading * ( lines - 1 ) ) +
// If updating for a newly selected item, stop all tallying
// when we get to the selected item.
if ( !this.bContainerToggle &&
aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ].bSelected ) {
i = ( aTmpContainers.length )
// Scroll to bring the entry to the middle of the window.
var frameHeight = frames[ 1 ].innerHeight
var center = ( frameHeight / 2 )
if ( y > center ) frames[ 1 ].scrollTo( 0, y - center )
DESCR: Writes the tree document.
function writeDocument()
//top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents writeDocument()" )
var aTmpContainers = aDatasets[ this.currentDataset ]
var link
var html = "<HTML><HEAD>"
html += "<STYLE TYPE = 'text/javascript'>"
html += "classes.container.a.fontFamily = 'arial';"
html += "classes.container.a.fontSize = '12px';"
html += "classes.container.a.marginTop = 4;"
html += "classes.container.a.marginBottom = 4;"
//html += "classes.container.a.textDecoration = 'none';"
html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.fontFamily = 'arial';"
html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.fontSize = '12px';"
html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.marginLeft = 4;"
html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.marginTop = 4;"
html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.marginBottom = 4;"
html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.color = '#6600ff';"
html += "classes.selectedItem.a.fontFamily = 'arial';"
html += "classes.selectedItem.a.fontSize = '12px';"
html += "classes.selectedItem.a.marginLeft = 4;"
html += "classes.selectedItem.a.marginTop = 4;"
html += "classes.selectedItem.a.marginBottom = 4;"
html += "classes.selectedItem.a.color = '#6600ff';"
html += "classes.selectedItem.a.fontWeight = 'bold';"
//html += "classes.selectedItem.a.backgroundColor = 'white';"
// Remove href underlining.
html += "tags.a.textDecoration = 'none';"
html += "</STYLE>"
html += "</HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR = " + this.bgcolor +
" LINK = '#000066' ALINK = '#000066' VLINK = '#000066'>"
for ( var i = 0; i < aTmpContainers.length; i++ ) {
link = "\"javascript:parent.contentsObj.containerClick('" + this.currentDataset + "', " + i + ")\""
html += "<A CLASS = 'container' HREF = " + link + ">" + aTmpContainers[ i ].text + "</A>"
if ( aTmpContainers[ i ].bExpanded ) {
for ( var j = 0; j < aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems.length; j++ ) {
with ( aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ] ) {
var ssClass = ( bSelected ? "selectedItem" : "unselectedItem" )
link = "\"javascript:parent.contentsObj.itemClick('" + this.currentDataset + "', " + i + ", " + j + ")\""
html += "<A CLASS = '" + ssClass + "' HREF = " + link + ">" + text + "</A>"
html += "</BODY></HTML>"
with ( frames[ 1 ].document ) {
write( html )
DESCR: Container object click "event."
PARAMS: datasetIndex The dataset index.
containerIndex The container index.
function containerClick( datasetIndex, containerIndex )
// Toggle the container's state.
var obj = aDatasets[ datasetIndex ][ containerIndex ]
obj.bExpanded = ( obj.bExpanded ? false : true )
this.lastToggledContainerIndex = containerIndex
// Update the tree.
DESCR: Item object click "event."
PARAMS: datasetIndex The dataset index.
containerIndex The container index.
itemIndex The item index.
function itemClick( datasetIndex, containerIndex, itemIndex )
// Notify component owner of selection, and update tree on success.
var obj = aDatasets[ datasetIndex ][ containerIndex ].aItems[ itemIndex ]
// Load the topic (location doesn't matter since it's a nethelp URL.
location = obj.netHelpURL
// End class definition: contents.
DESCR: Container class.
PARAMS: text The container's text.
aItems Array of item objects.
function container( text, aItems )
this.text = text
this.aItems = aItems
this.bExpanded = false
// End class definition: container.
DESCR: Item class.
PARAMS: text The item's text.
URL The URL in non-NetHelp form.
netHelpURL The URL in NetHelp form.
function item( text, URL, netHelpURL )
this.text = text
this.URL = URL
this.netHelpURL = netHelpURL
this.bSelected = false
// End class definition: item.